"Song of Susannah" is the sixth book on King's "Dark Tower" series.
This book continues the saga of Roland and company on their quest for the Dark Tower. In this book they re-enter our world.
It is difficult to discuss the plot of this book without giving away some truly interesting plot twists in this series. But the meta-fiction angle that I discussed below only increases in magnitude in this book.
These plot twists make the book thought-provoking and entertaining. While I did not enjoy it as much as "Wizard and Glass" it is still a very good book and a really enjoyable series.
If you are a fan of Stephen King and his other work then I highly recommend this series - there are references to everything he has written at one point or another in the Dark Tower series. But I am not a horror fan so I haven't read any of his stuff outside of "The Stand" (which is great) and this series.
One more book to go! I can't wait to see how it ends.