Ringer's Reviews

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Thought for the Day

"If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.

Marcus Tullius Cicero

What am I reading now?

I am currently reading "Black Powder War" by Naomi Novik - the third book in her series.

This book covers Tameraire's return from China and travels through central Europe as Napoleon marches to war.

So far it is excellent!

Review "Jade Empire" by Naomi Novik

"Jade Empire" is the second book in Ms. Novik's "Temariare" series.

It continues the story of the dragon Temariare and his British pilot Laurance in the world of Napoleonic Europe. As Temeraire has discovered that he is a rare Chinese dragon, he journeys back to China. This book covers the long journey from England to China and the adventures of discovering Temeraire's origins.

Ms. Novik has again done an excellent job blending the world of Napoleonic Europe and the idea of dragons.

I highly recommend this series - it is entertaining and original.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Thought for the Day

Fantasy is an exercise bicycle for the mind. It might not take you anywhere, but it tones up the muscles that can. Of course, I could be wrong.

Terry Pratchett

What am I reading now?

I am currently reading "Jade Empire" the second book in Naomi Novik's excellent series.

On the future reading list:

"Black Powder War" by Naomi Novik

"Lords of the North" by Bernard Cornwell

Review "His Majesty's Dragon" By Naomi Novik

"His Majesty's Dragon" is Naomi Novik's creative novel and the first of the "Temarieare" trilogy (named after the primary dragon in the series.)

Ms. Novik's novel tells the story of Europe during the Napoleonic wars.....but with dragons. Imagine "Master and Commander" or "Horatio Hornblower" with dragons in them. It is a creative and interesting idea, and the fun part is that Ms. Novik has thought it through thoroughly. How would dragons change naval battles, land combat, how would the dragons and the people who rode them be treated in society? What about communications?

The focus of the story is on a British navy captain named Laurance whose ship captures a French ship with a dragon egg aboard. When the egg hatches the dragon chooses Laurance to be its rider and lifelong companion - so he must give up his naval career and place in society.

If you enjoy fantasy novels or Napoleonic era historical fiction then I recommend this series - it is entertaining and enjoyable. Ms. Novik has put an interesting spin on famous events and people and created an fun read in the process.

Monday, March 05, 2007

What am I reading now?

I am currently reading "His Majesty's Dragon" by Naomi Novik. This is the first book of Ms. Novik's "Temeraire" series. The books are the story of the Napoleonic age in Europe - if dragons existed and had been tamed by men.

So far it is very enjoyable and even though I haven't finished it I can say that I would recommend it to people who enjoy fantasy or Napoleonic tales.

Review "The Devil Wears Prada" by Lauren Weisberger

"The Devil Wears Prada" is Lauren Weisberger's novel of a regular young woman who goes to work at a fashion magazine for one of the meanest bosses in literary history.

I read this book because I saw the movie and enjoyed it - and I thought the book would be an interesting character study of a really evil boss - and it was. The boss in the story is named Miranda Priestly and she is supposedly based on a famous editor of "Vogue" (not that I have ever read Vogue.) Ms. Priestly continually dominates her staff and keeps them on edge at all times. The narrator of the story, Amanda Sachs, actually gets to the point where she starts shaking when her cell phone rings. I won't go into detail and spoil some of the things Ms. Priestly does to her staff, but it was pretty harsh.

Ms. Weisberger has created an entertaining novel and memorable characters. While I don't care about fashion and that world it was interesting to learn about how so few people control what everyone ends up wearing. If you are looking for a fun, easy read about a dominating, evil boss then this is the book for you.